To both of our amazement, we were actually pretty busy over Pesach and had a lot of fun! The Seder was still a bummer for me, ending in record time of about half an hour, but the rest of the Chag was really fun.
After the hike we drove down to Maktesh Katan (the Little Crater, or as the sign says, the little Maktesh :) where we decided not to camp.
So, we drove back up to the Dead Sea, stopped to check out what happens when one doesn't heed God's warnings...see if you can guess who this is...

We visited a few old friends that we hadn't seen in a while, one in Ashdod near Gaza, who is a friend of Idan's way back from his army days. We also met up with our old neighbors, who had just moved into a house that we had considered a few months is the weirdest thing with us, we are always interested in the same homes! They almost took the one we live in now, we almost took the one they just moved into, we both wanted the same house two years ago (before we met--the owner was obnoxious and the deal fell through) and we were next dor neighbors in the same apartment/house that we just moved out of...I wonder if the universe is telling us something?
Last week we went to the Dead Sea area for hiking and camping. The hiking lasted all of one short hike (mabye a kilometer each way) up to Mt. Sodom. We had intended to visit the Flour Caves, but just our luck, it was closed due to a collapse!
So we did the hike and Kiri, our oldest dog, spent the entire way down walking
rrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyy slowly and limping a bit, so we used the excuse not to hike anymore (well more I went along with Idan for the benefit of the dog, but still...)
It was a beautiful hike, as all hikes are, but there is something special about the desert. Plus, the last time I was there, I had gotten in trouble for something and was not allowed to join my classmates on the hike, so I made up for a missed opportunity...
In the background of the photo, you can see the Dead Sea. Idan and I both gasped with disbelief at how much of the Dead Sea was gone due to over harvesting...ever since I remember, there were actually 2 Deas Seas (separated in the pasy few decades due to man's rediculous notion of money being more important that the Earth that sustains us), but this time, it was really scary. The gap between the seas was huge!
...and found the PERFECT spot to camp. I spent the first hour a bit freaked that it would flood right where we were, as two rivers convereged there when it rains, but the forecast only called for rain the next morning, so I chilled and enjoyed the beauty!
I doubt anyone would be that stupid with a dog like Mica guarding us.
Kiri, on the other hand, was out like shout...she barely moved the rest of the trip. Someones's getting old!
So, we had a really fun Pesach break, and now, it is taking all of my willpower to get back on schedule and work...Thank goodness I love my job, or this would be impossible! Se la vie...