Monday, November 3, 2008

Rock the Vote!

Elections are coming up in a few days in the US. For better or for worse, Israel or more specifically, I, am going to have to suffer the consequences of the vote. Although I am sure that either of the candidates are going to be excellent for Israel, I just wanted to put in my two sense about the past 8 years and my hope for the future.

Bush's foreign policy has affected Israel like a wolf wrapped in sheep's clothing. On the outside, it looks really good, but scratch below the layers and you will find mold and maggots. Just to short list a few examples:

The US directly led to the rise of Iran as a superpower in the Middle East by taking out her two arch rivals, Iraq and Afghanistan, causing what may be an existential threat to Israel if and when Iran gains nukes.
The US attitude towards Iran (bullying and aggressive coercion) is only making Iran more stubborn, thereby raising the stakes against the US' closest ally in the Middle East, little Israel. (for the above two points, I wrote an excellent paper on the matter which I would be happy to share with anyone interested and can also point you out to some interesting articles and essays written by others).
Israel lost the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Remember? The one where I was given the honor of seeing and listening to rockets fall day in and day out and my husband got drafted along with all of the other reserves? We lost the war because the Bush administration told us how we could start the war (aerial attacks, "clean and swift" – didn't work by the way), and told us when they wouldn’t allow us to go any further (Litani river if I remember correctly, and as the Hizbullah are not stupid, many of their weapons caches and start points for firing the missiles were above the river) Yes, I agree, it is stupid that we have to do almost everything the US tells us to, but frankly, we don't have a choice as the US gives us a lot of aid and weapons sales, without which, we would probably no longer be on the map).
Bush's foreign policies, and the consequent dislike of the US by the Global North public opinion for its "cowboy" like behavior (not my words), or in other worlds, unilateral actions and disregard for the opinions of other states and the UN, has caused greater dislike for Israel in international public opinion as well. Unfortunately, when it comes down to it, leads to policies in other countries that are not in the best interest of Israel (unfortunately for Israel, in a democracy, public opinion does count as the politician must, at the end of the day, answer to his own constituency in order to stay in power).

Enough examples. I can't say I am totally thrilled with either of the candidates, but after having listened to a few of the candidates speeches and debates and going over their bio's, there is no doubt in my mind, that if McCain won, then Israel is in a lot of trouble. He's got experience and understands foreign policy, but like his predecessor in the White House, he is a cowboy and that will not bode well internationally.

The entire Global North is watching the US elections closely and hoping that this time they will not make another mistake (I read something really interesting where random people in random countries all over the world were asked who they would vote for, if given the opportunity, and the answer was overwhelmingly Democrat, I say overwhelming, as I am not sure 100% if not one person chose Republican. Of course, as with now, for those in the US and Israel who don't understand the policies and their implications deeply enough, all looks well on the Republican front, but just scratch beneath the surface, and you will find mold and maggots.

For my future, I ask you to seriously consider your vote tomorrow. But either way, go out and vote, make your voice heard.

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